Tuesday 13 December 2011


Hello im here to update my blog .heeheh whatcha doing ? dah makan ? okay i just want to say i miss him again .i don't know when i can meet my prince again like before .hm im just texting ,skyping and else .thats all i can express love .i don't want to fighting with him again .i love him very much no matter what happened .okay forget about that .new topic ~
Semalam baru je beli kasut sekolah dekat Cotton On at Bukit Tinggi with my family .i just buy shoes and pants .i like that pants .tak sabar nak pakai time hangout nanti .i miss my friends at KL .lama tak jumpa diorang .maybe sabtu ni keluar dengan diorang .and i miss my school #wahh tetiba rindu sekolah .haaha i miss my friends at school .hm kredit semakin lama makin low .duit dah habis langsung langsung .arghh macam mana nak hidup ni ? err i don't know how to still alive .kredit pun low ,hm macam mana entah nak texting nanti .klah byebye readers see you next time muahh :-*