Wednesday 7 December 2011

Only Raja Ezzat Ameerul can read this .thankyou :)

Okay now i want to stories to melt your heart .
Love can't have if the relationship is not love .you always be my heart .all my life ,my heart ,you have taken .you are so amazing because you already take my heart back .sometimes you romantic ,sometimes you funny man ,sometimes you like angry at me :D hihi .when you touch me ,i feel like i fly in the sky .i always melting when you touch me seriously .there's nothing if i love you but you not love me .this relationship very important to me and i can't forget this relationship .you come in my life and no to pay the rent :)) it's free to you for you take my heart back .you always give me happy .i appreciate it very much .i don't know how to say thankyou to you .you have alot of sacrifices for me .you always do something special for me .but i never give something special for you right ? i don't know how to do something special .your kiss makes my heart young again and wipes out the years .your hug makes me not bath one day :O heee i just kidding .heeheh .your hug makes me laugh everyday because im so happy and 'terharu' .heeheh sorry speaking putar belit :D okay thats all my stories to you .hope you melting and makes your cry and i don't want you forget this stories .if you type who quickly forget ,you print this stories .thankyou for reading my long stories :))