Thursday 29 December 2011

I want relationship like >>>

 that will make everybody jealous<3
 with someone that can understand my past, accept my present , and add on to my future !

Yo whats up ?boring aite ? yeah me also .so hows your last holiday ? enjoy ? haaha okay .hm boring takada my prince dekat sebelah .hiwhiw .
btw i nak relationship kita like that ,yang macam dekat atas tu .haaha .yang "will make everybody jealous" tu rasanya ada sorang dua je kot .haaha #bantai je 
then i want you will understand me ,accept my present and make me to your future wife :) okay perasan jap -,- 
then i want you say "love you" at me everydays and every hours .and i want you kiss me everydays and every hours .barulah sweet :-*
then i want you everytime funny man .and sweet man .aww kalau you buat sumpah i cair ;;)
haaha .klah byebye blogworld muahh :-*